
Anyone else a bit scared?? It seems likely that our lives will never be the same again. When we look back, there are lots of events in history that have shaped our futures for centuries to come. Inventions that have changed the very fabric of society. Historic events that still influence our lives today. Sometimes it was key inventions like the wheel, the aeroplane or the computer. Other times it was longer events like the industrial revolution, the world wars or more topically, the covid pandemic. One things for certain, some things leave our lives, and our planet, changed forever. Even long after they have gone. I often wonder if the people living through those moments in history really recognised their significance. Did the Wright brothers have even the smallest inkling that their work would lead to machines that carried millions of people worldwide? That their invention would change the shape of wars? That their creation would revolutionise world trade, allowing ordinary people to

The Scales Begin To Move Again

Change the way you think before you change the way you eat. I was going to talk about how challenging this year has been so far. Trapped indoors with snow. Missing birthday celebrations with both friends and family (seems everyone we know is born in the first six weeks of the year). No meals and drinks out. No regular half-term city break. How it feels really difficult to plan anything. But I've decided against it. Of course by not talking about it, I've actually talked about it. The irony isn't lost on me. But I'm not going into details. Instead, I'm going to focus on the positives, because we don't do enough of that. There are people having a far worse time of it than me, after all. My first world problems are inconsequential when compared to many. Late January has really been the first time I've felt like saying 'stuff it' to the whole Keto way of eating for months. The scales haven't moved much and the beginning of the year (that I'm stil

All Kinds Of Keto

It Makes Me Mad!!! I'm going to start with a rant. Only a small(ish) one. I know I bang on a bit, but this won't take long. The internet is a very powerful tool. It allows the exchange of ideas, communities to form, individuals to help one another. Unfortunately there are a few who seek to run things 'their way', which inevitably leads to misinformation and helps nobody. My commitment on this blog (and all my social media for that matter) is to only offer factual and well researched information that allows informed decisions to be made by anyone who reads on. I won't railroad, judge, preach or offer false information. But I will challenge if the facts are wrong. Not my opinion, but the facts. How Today's Blog Began.... Having been keto for a long while now, I've been lucky enough to be part of a number of 'communities' of people with like minds. Facebook groups, Instagram feeds, that sort of stuff. Having been out for a walk this morning, I was scann

Build A Shed!!!

It's not easy. None of it ever is. Life. Work. Food. Exercise. Family. It's just not easy. There are times in life where we really have a handle on everything, we feel in complete control and things go well. Then there are times where it feels a bit like life is controlling us and that's how I feel this week. Most of last week too, if I'm honest. The weekend after the New Year, a time where we mentally 'wipe the slate clean' and a rare time that we focus on the future, I picked up a message from my boss. The furlough call. We were back in lockdown and it really wasn't safe for me to be travelling the length and breadth of the country meeting people. It would be fair to say that even if it was, the likelihood of people wanting to see me was slim too. Having spent most of 2020 wishing for 2021, it would appear that 2021 would, in fact, be much of the same. I think most people are hard wired for two important things. The first is to be productive. It's part

New Year New Way - Keto For Beginners

Happy New Year!! Well Almost....... In a few short hours, it’ll be 2021. It might not be the 2021 we all hoped for, but it will still be 2021. Of course with that comes New Years Resolutions. It might be any number of lifestyle changes - giving up the drink, losing a little weight, spending less, not biting your toenails - you know the stuff. The stuff that we do for about three weeks, all in a lump, then lose focus on and give up. But it’s good to have a goal, Right? I’ve written this blog twice and scrapped it, as I’ve got so much to say but I want to keep it light (the blogger app helped to scrap it the second time, by publishing half my blog and losing the rest, but let’s not ruin a good story). Anyway, I think now is a good time to look forward. There are floods of people joining Keto groups on social media, asking lots of new questions and there is a buzz about eating Keto. It’s exciting. But daunting at first. So I wanted to throw some light science around and then chuck in my o

Boxing Day

Today is a good day. A little hungover but a good day. Despite pandemics and lockdowns and the challenges they present, I think I’ve just had the best Christmas Day ever. Christmas has always been a simple formula for me. Wake up, crack an alcoholic beverage, wash down a bacon sarnie and slowly watch my day slide downhill. Hopefully by mid-afternoon, I’d be at least sober enough to get the timings somewhere near for Christmas dinner. I’ve always hidden away in the kitchen, working my way though bottles of wine, peeling potatoes and carrots for the family. I’m not sure why, if I’m totally honest, but I suppose we are creatures of habit. This year was set to be different. I’ve felt so many benefits on a Ketogenic diet that I wasn’t about to change that, for any reason. On Facebook groups and Instagram posts, scores of people were talking about falling (or deliberately jumping) off the wagon. Be it food or alcohol, most people had decided that they would be taking a few days off, washing

The Keto Way - My First Blog

You'll have to bear with me. I've never blogged before. To be honest, I'm not even sure this will work. As I lay on the sofa, typing away on my phone, I feel kinda foolish. I mean nobody is actually reading this right now, are they? In fact, I'm not sure anyone ever will. But a few months ago, I made some life decisions. If these decisions or any of my journey can help someone, then this can only be a good thing. How it began....... Bear with me for a little bit here, I will get to the point, but a little context will help.  I suppose my struggles first became apparent in my late twenties. I've always been fortunate that most things in life come to me quite easily. Sure, I'm not overly sporty, nor do I have a Masters in Biochemistry, but I've always been able to 'pick things up' quite easily. As a result, I lacked a little application in my twenties. After all, it seemed I could get through most things easily. Sure, I bought a house, started a family